P2P Networks Fight Back

I knew it wouldn’t take very long for the RIAA‘s tracking plan to be thwarted. See how in Wired’s article – Giving Sharers Ears Without Faces

The Web and Democracy

VentureBlog has an article examining whether or not the internet and blogging are inherently democratic. The question is not just about politics, but about the democratization of information as well. I agree with them that the answer is clearly ‘yes’.

Google’s Pretty Shrewd

Google’s starting to remind me of the megalomaniac Brain, from Pinky and the Brain. They’re recently made a new push into the advertising game with their AdSense program: Google AdSense is for web publishers who want to make more revenue from advertising on their site while maintaining editorial quality. AdSense delivers text-based Google AdWords ads… Continue reading Google’s Pretty Shrewd

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The RIAA Will Track You Down

Here’s how the RIAA plans to track filesharers. I wonder how long it will take someone to come up with a way to mask IP addresses from Kazaa? 10 minutes? ( There’s no stopping what can’t be stopped. No killing what can’t be killed.)


Check out GuzzleFish! Collections Online: Guzzlefish is a free personal cataloging system that allows you to manage and organize your movie, music, and game collections on the web. An easy to use interface not only keeps track of what you own but also keeps you up to date on new titles not even out yet.… Continue reading Guzzlefish!

Categorized as Internet


I’ve been trying to find a good RSS reader/news reader, and it looks like I just found the one. Sifry has a great synopsis of NewMonster’s features. The killer feature, IMO, is that it incorporates many of Technorati’s tools. You can download NewsMonster here.

Google ‘Hateration’

Salon has a good article about the growing backlash against Google. It includes a discussion about how bloggers can manipulate Google’s results. 😮 As well as some coming threats to their throne from Microsoft and Yahoo!/Inktomi. Looks like things may get dicey for Google just as they’re likely to do an IPO.

BBC goes RSS

The BBC is way ahead of the game as far as open syndication. They’ve just announced that they are providing RSS feeds for all of their content. I wonder if the blog ecosystem will jump on this and force the American papers to follow suit?